Predicate Pushdown

A logical plan in Polars has a tree-like structure. Each node represents a query operation. During execution, the child nodes get executed first before the parent nodes do.

Predicate pushdown is an optimization technique to push the filtering operations (predicates) down the tree, closer to the source. The idea is that the earlier we apply the filter conditions during execution, the less data we have to process.

For example, suppose we have the query:

fn main() {
  .select([col("A"), col("B")])

Here is the original logical plan:

fn main() {
FILTER [(col("A")) > (1)] 
	FROM SELECT [col("A"), [(col("B")) + (2)]] 
		FROM DF ["A", "fruits", "B", "cars"]; 
			SELECTION: "None"

Here is the optimized plan:

fn main() {
SELECT [col("A"), [(col("B")) + (2)]]
	FROM DF ["A", "fruits", "B", "cars"]; 
		SELECTION: [(col("A")) > (1)]

By pushing the predicate, col("A") > 1 down to the dataframe operation, we avoid having to fetch and process all the rows that don’t fit the condition.


The core algorithm is really simple. Here is a pseudo-code of the algorithm:

fn main() {
fn optimize(logical_plan) -> logical_plan {
	let acc_predicates = EMPTY_COLLECTION
	push_down(logical_plan, acc_predicates)

fn push_down(logical_plan, acc_predicates) -> logical_plan {
	match logical_plan {
		LogicalPlan::Selection { predicate, input } => {
			push_down(input, acc_predicates)
		LogicalPlan::DataFrameScan { df, selection } => {
			LogicalPlan::DataFrameScan {
				selection: combine_predicates(selection, acc_predicates)

The optimize function takes a logical plan and returns an optimized logical plan. It starts off by initializing an empty collection of predicates. It then recursively calls push_down to compute the optimized logical plan for its children.

When lazy_frame.filter(predicate) is called, a LogicalPlan::Selection is created with the lazy_frame becoming the input of the Selection. When push_down encounters a LogicalPlan::Selection, the algorithm adds the predicate to the acc_predicates and returns pushdown(input, acc_predicates. In other words, we removed the Selection operation since we pushed down its predicate.

When df.lazy() is called, it actually creates a LogicalPlan::DataFrameScan. This is the leaf node in a logical plan. When a push_down reaches a DataFrameScan node, it adds the acc_predicates to the DataFrameScan node.

If you want to look at Polars code, here is the optimize function. We can see that it calls push_down on the root logical plan. Each time the traversal encounters any LogicalPlan::Selection it’s added to the accumulated predicates and replaced with the pushed down version of its child.

Pushdown + Join

Join is trickier since it has the left and the right logical plans. For each accumulated predicates, we need to figure out whether to push it to the left plan, right plan, or neither.

Let’s look at an example:

fn main() {
let df1 = df![
  "foo" => ["abc", "def", "ghi"],
  "idx1" => [0, 0, 1],
  "a" => [1,2, 3]
let df2 = df![
  "bar" => [5, 6],
  "idx2" => [0, 1],
  "b" => [1, 2]

  .join(df2.lazy(), [col("idx1")], [col("idx2")], JoinType::Inner)
  .filter((col("a") + col("b")).gt(lit(12)));

In this example, we have a join on idx1 of df1 and idx2 of df2. We have 3 filter conditions:

  • predicate 1: col(”bar”) = 5, the “bar” column belongs to df2
  • predicate 2: col("foo") = "abc", the "foo" column belongs to df1
  • predicate 3: col("a") + col("b") > 12, the "a" column belongs to df1 but the "b" column belongs to df2.

Here is the logical plan:

fn main() {
FILTER [([(col("a")) + (col("b"))]) > (12)] 
	FROM FILTER [(col("foo")) == (Utf8(abc))] 
		FROM FILTER [(col("bar")) == (5)] 
				LEFT PLAN ON: [col("idx1")]
				  DF ["foo", "idx1", "a"]; PROJECT */3 COLUMNS; SELECTION: "None"
				RIGHT PLAN ON: [col("idx2")]
				  DF ["bar", "idx2", "b"]; PROJECT */3 COLUMNS; SELECTION: "None"

Here is the optimized plan:

fn main() {
FILTER [([(col("a")) + (col("b"))]) > (12)]
    LEFT PLAN ON: [col("idx1")]
      DF ["foo", "idx1", "a"];
		    SELECTION: "[(col(\\"foo\\")) == (Utf8(abc))]"

    RIGHT PLAN ON: [col("idx2")]
      DF ["bar", "idx2", "b"];
		    SELECTION: [(col("bar")) == (5)]

We can see that predicate 1 has been pushed down to df2, predicate 2 has been pushed down to df1. predicate 3 has not been pushed down to either since it uses columns from both children.

In simple terms, for each predicate, the algorithm checks if all the columns used in that predicate belongs to either the left or right child. If it is, it can be pushed down. Otherwise, it needs to be applied locally.

Here is the code for how Polars deals with Join during push_down. For each predicate, Polars checks if it can be pushed down to the left subtree or the right subtree. If neither, it is pushed to the local_predicates. In that case, the local predicates are wrapped around a Selection logical plan instead of being pushed down.

Pushdown Boundaries

The algorithm described above mishandles some edge cases. There are scenarios where pushing down predicates is not allowed. In those cases, we need to apply the predicates locally.

fn main() {
let df = df![
    "vals" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

let lazy_df = df
  // should be > 2
  // if optimizer would combine predicates this would be flawed

This example is borrowed from one of the unit tests in Polars. In this example, we first filter out elements that are ≤ to 1. Then we filter out elements that are ≤ to the minimum of the remaining elements, which is 2. The result from this would be:

If we combined the two predicates, we would get the following filter operation

fn main() {

This would yield the wrong answer because 2 would be in the final output whereas it wouldn’t before the predicates are combined. This is because the first predicate affects the elements that are available to the min() operation.

In general, predicates should not be projected downwards if it influences the results of other columns.

In this example, the logical plan is:

fn main() {
FILTER [(col("vals")) > (col("vals").min())]
	FROM FILTER [(col("vals")) > (1)]

The optimized plan is: