Core abstractions

We can break down how the executor performs asynchronous I/O into 3 steps:

  • setting the I/O handle to be non-blocking by setting the O_NONBLOCK flag on the file descriptor
  • performing the non-blocking operation and registering interest in io_uring by submitting a SQE to the io_uring instance's submission_queue
  • polling the io_uring's completion queue to check if there is a corresponding CQE, which indicates that the I/O operation has been completed. If it's completed, process it by resuming the blocked task.

To accomplish these, we will introduce a few new abstractions: Async, Source, and the Reactor.


Async is a wrapper around the I/O handle (e.g. TcpListener). It contains helper methods to make converting blocking operations into asynchronous operations easier.

Here is the Async struct:

fn main() {
pub struct Async<T> {
    /// A source registered in the reactor.
    source: Source,

    /// The inner I/O handle.
    io: Option<Box<T>>,


The Source is a bridge between the executor and the I/O handle. It contains the rwa file descriptor for the I/O event as well as properties that are relevant to the executor. For example, it contains wakers for blocked tasks waiting for the I/O operation to complete.

fn main() {
pub struct Source {
    pub(crate) inner: Pin<Rc<RefCell<InnerSource>>>,

/// A registered source of I/O events.
pub(crate) struct InnerSource {
    /// Raw file descriptor on Unix platforms.
    pub(crate) raw: RawFd,

    /// Tasks interested in events on this source.
    pub(crate) wakers: Wakers,

    pub(crate) source_type: SourceType,


Each executor has a Reactor. The Reactor is an abstraction around the io_uring instance. It provides simple APIs to interact with the io_uring instance.

fn main() {
pub(crate) struct Reactor {
		// the main_ring contains an io_uring instance
    main_ring: RefCell<SleepableRing>,
    source_map: Rc<RefCell<SourceMap>>,

struct SleepableRing {
    ring: iou::IoUring,
    in_kernel: usize,
    submission_queue: ReactorQueue,
    name: &'static str,
    source_map: Rc<RefCell<SourceMap>>,

struct SourceMap {
    id: u64,
    map: HashMap<u64, Pin<Rc<RefCell<InnerSource>>>>,

As we can see, the Reactor holds a SleepableRing, which is just a wrapper around an iou::IoUring instance. Glommio uses the iou crate to interact with Linux kernel’s io_uring interface.

The Reactor also contains a SourceMap, which contains a HashMap that maps a unique ID to a Source. The unique ID is the same ID used as the SQE's user_data. This way, when a CQE is posted to the io_uring's completion queue, we can tie it back to the corresponding Source.