Step 2 - Submitting a SQE

The second step to asynchronous I/O is to ask io_uring to monitor a file descriptor on when it’s ready to perform I/O by submitting a SQE entry.


Async has two methods which will perform an I/O operation and wait until it is completed:

fn main() {
// Performs a read I/O operation and wait until it is readable
pub async fn read_with<R>(&self, op: impl FnMut(&T) -> io::Result<R>) 
	-> io::Result<R>

// Performs a write I/O operation and wait until it is writable
pub async fn write_with<R>(&self, op: impl FnMut(&T) -> io::Result<R>) 
	-> io::Result<R>

For example, here is how you can use the read_with method to implement Async<TcpListener>'s accept method:

fn main() {
impl Async<TcpListener> {

    pub async fn accept(&self) -> io::Result<(Async<TcpStream>, SocketAddr)> {
        let (stream, addr) = self.read_with(|io| io.accept()).await?;


Here is the implementation of read_with:

fn main() {
impl<T> Async<T> {

    pub async fn read_with<R>(&self, op: impl FnMut(&T) -> io::Result<R>) -> io::Result<R> {
        let mut op = op;
        loop {
            match op(self.get_ref()) {
                Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { }
                res => return res,
						// this waits until the I/O operation is readable (completed)

		pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &T {

It first performs the I/O operation via the call to op(self.get_ref()). It then waits for the I/O operation is completed with self.source.readable().await.

Source::readable is an async method that does a few things:

  • It stores the waker of the Poller by invoking self.add_waiter(cx.waker().clone()). This way, when the executor detects that the I/O operation is completed, it can invoke wake() on the stored waker. The mechanism for waking up the unblocked task is explained in the next page.
  • It adds a SQE to the io_uring instance in the Reactor by calling get_reactor().sys.interest(self, true, false).

Here is the implementation of Source::readable:

fn main() {
impl Source {

    /// Waits until the I/O source is readable.
    pub(crate) async fn readable(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
        future::poll_fn(|cx| {
            if self.take_result().is_some() {
                return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));

            get_reactor().sys.interest(self, true, false);

		pub(crate) fn take_result(&self) -> Option<io::Result<usize>> {

		pub(crate) fn add_waiter(&self, waker: Waker) {

Here is the implementation of the Reactor::interest method invoked. It first computes the PollFlags that will be used to construct the SQE. It then calls queue_request_into_ring to add a SQE entry to the submission queue.

fn main() {
impl Reactor {

    pub(crate) fn interest(&self, source: &Source, read: bool, write: bool) {
        let mut flags = common_flags();
        if read {
            flags |= read_flags();
        if write {
            flags |= write_flags();

            &mut *self.main_ring.borrow_mut(),
            &mut self.source_map.clone(),

/// Epoll flags for all possible readability events.
fn read_flags() -> PollFlags {
    PollFlags::POLLIN | PollFlags::POLLPRI

/// Epoll flags for all possible writability events.
fn write_flags() -> PollFlags {


This method simply adds a UringDescriptor onto the SleepableRing's queue. Note that queueing the request into ring doesn’t actually add a SQE to the io_uring's submission_queue. It just adds it to the submission_queue property on the SleepableRing.

fn main() {
fn queue_request_into_ring(
    ring: &mut (impl UringCommon + ?Sized),
    source: &Source,
    descriptor: UringOpDescriptor,
    source_map: &mut Rc<RefCell<SourceMap>>,
) {
    let q = ring.submission_queue();

    let id = source_map.borrow_mut().add_source(source, Rc::clone(&q));

    let mut queue = q.borrow_mut();

    queue.submissions.push_back(UringDescriptor {
        args: descriptor,
        fd: source.raw(),
        user_data: id,

Each UringDescriptor contains all the information required to fill a SQE. For example, since invoking io_uring_prep_write requires providing a buffer to write data from, its corresponding UringOpDescriptor::Write requires providing a pointer and size for the buffer.

fn main() {
struct SleepableRing {
    ring: iou::IoUring,
    in_kernel: usize,
    submission_queue: ReactorQueue,
    name: &'static str,
    source_map: Rc<RefCell<SourceMap>>,

pub(crate) type ReactorQueue = Rc<RefCell<UringQueueState>>;

pub(crate) struct UringQueueState {
    submissions: VecDeque<UringDescriptor>,
    cancellations: VecDeque<UringDescriptor>,

pub(crate) struct UringDescriptor {
    fd: RawFd,
    user_data: u64,
    args: UringOpDescriptor,

enum UringOpDescriptor {
		Write(*const u8, usize, u64),

Each UringDescriptor has a unique user_data field. This is the same user_data field on each SQE and is passed as-is from the SQE to the CQE. To generate a unique Id, the add_source method returns a new unique Id by incrementing a counter each time add_source is called:

fn main() {
impl SourceMap {

    fn add_source(&mut self, source: &Source, queue: ReactorQueue) -> u64 {
        let id =; += 1;, source.inner.clone());

Submitting the Events

Consuming the event is performed by the consume_submission_queue method, which calls consume_sqe_queue. It repeatedly calls prep_one_event to add a SQE entry on the io_uring's submission queue by calling prepare_sqe to allocate a new SQE and calling fill_sqe to fill in the necessary details.

If dispatch is true, it then calls submit_sqes which finally sends the SQEs to the kernel.

fn main() {
impl UringCommon for SleepableRing {
		fn consume_submission_queue(&mut self) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let q = self.submission_queue();
        let mut queue = q.borrow_mut();
        self.consume_sqe_queue(&mut queue.submissions, true)

		fn consume_sqe_queue(
		        &mut self,
		        queue: &mut VecDeque<UringDescriptor>,
		        mut dispatch: bool,
		    ) -> io::Result<usize> {
		        loop {
		            match self.prep_one_event(queue) {
		                None => {
		                    dispatch = true;
		                Some(true) => {}
		                Some(false) => break,
		        if dispatch {
		        } else {
			fn prep_one_event(&mut self, queue: &mut VecDeque<UringDescriptor>) -> Option<bool> {
	        if queue.is_empty() {
	            return Some(false);
	        if let Some(mut sqe) = self.ring.sq().prepare_sqe() {
	            let op = queue.pop_front().unwrap();
	            // TODO: Allocator
	            fill_sqe(&mut sqe, &op);
	        } else {
	    fn submit_sqes(&mut self) -> io::Result<usize> {
	        let x = self.ring.submit_sqes()? as usize;
	        self.in_kernel += x;

fn fill_sqe(sqe: &mut iou::SQE<'_>, op: &UringDescriptor) {
    let mut user_data = op.user_data;
    unsafe {
        match op.args {
            UringOpDescriptor::PollAdd(flags) => {
                sqe.prep_poll_add(op.fd, flags);